Wednesday, May 20, 2020
Cell phones have truly changed our lives Essay - 969 Words
I would choose cell phone as my cultural artifact. It has become such an important aspect of our lives making it the mainstay of todays society. The ever evolving technology of cell phone has made it so important in todays life that living without it seems tedious. Cell phones these days are more than just a device to communicate and talk to people. It has become a gadget that allows you to communicate via email, calls, and texts and even without balance in your cell phone you can now contact with your friends using Whatsapp, Viber, Line or other internet connections that help us communicate. It has now become a gadget on which we can play games that we used to play on PlayStation, Xbox or other gaming gadgets. Cell phones have truly†¦show more content†¦Today when someone asks you to pack your bags and go out somewhere, the only thing that comes to your mind is to take your cell phone with you and youre packed. These are the diverse benefits of this astounding artefact. It has made people so consumed and dependent upon this little thing that it has become the only item you actually need to move around with. Today if you ever get into some emergency you do not have to worry about it because you can use your cell phone to contact with any person for help. In the previous times when we had telephones with us we could not communicate with our friends the way we do now. Today if we do not want someone else to know what we are talking we simply text the other person. In the era of telephones we used to speak everything out loud and there was so many conversations left unsaid. I think you can value a share of the achievement of cell phones to their different suitability for personalization. Individuals like to have things their direction and a phone permits every client to make the cell phone their own. These different adjustable characteristics give every individual the opportunity to change their cell phone in very particular ways so that the item will look and act anyway they need it to. By customizing the mobile phone the buyer is positively making it their own particular and sequentially growing aShow MoreRelatedThe Effects Of Cell Phones On Our Lives1053 Words  | 5 Pagesyears that improve our everyday lives. The wide use of cell phones has caused a remarkable impact on physical, and social aspects of our life. Cell phones impacts have contributed positively to our lives, but still others have influenced negatively on our life. With technology, the way we communicate has changed over the past year with our smart phones we can surf the internet, check our social media accounts, use GPS, and text and call our families and friends. 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